Grant Writing Readiness
“At a crossroad time in our history, Pamela provided us with an insightful and substantive assessment of the organization’s grant writing readiness and funding potential — a practical report that helped us clarify our position, review our options, and determine our next steps forward.”
Carol Koetting-Freeman, Grants Committee Chair
Below is a list of information most commonly requested by funders. Please note that each foundation or grant-making institution may differ in proposal requirements, funding interests, deadlines, etc. So, to be prepared, it is essential to make sure you check a funder’s website for the most current grant guidelines and proposal instructions.
Cover letter and application
(Signed by Executive Director or Board President)
Proposal Summary
(Usually 1-2 Paragraphs)
Organizational Information
Mission and vision statement(s)
A brief history of the organization
List of organizational accomplishments
Description of programs and services
Project information
Project description
Needs addressed by the project
Project objectives, goals, and strategies
Project timeline
Project leadership
Budget and funding strategy
Evaluation procedures
IRS determination letter of 501(c)(3) status
List of Board of Trustees and their professional affiliations
Institutional budget for the current fiscal year
Audited financial statements for the past fiscal year(s)
Bios or resumes of project leadership
Other Information
List of partnerships and affiliations
Annual report(s)
Strategic plan
Development plan
Letters of support
Copies of media coverage
Program and service brochures